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Main Page > SigNET DXT3000 Scaleable Compact Voice Alarm System to EN54-16 and EN54-4
SigNET DXT3000 Voice Alarm Emergency Sound Systems

    • An intelligent ‘plug-and-play’ wall mounting VA solution for small to medium sized applications where EN54-16 compliance is required.
    • Includes a digital DSP-based master unit equipped with up to 6 Class D+ power amplifiers able to provide up to 250W on 100V or 70V speaker lines
    • DXT 3000 is a wall-mounting Voice Alarm integrated solution dedicated to small and medium size project applications, where an EN 54-16 system is required. It includes a digital DSP-based master unit MX 3250 equipped with 2, 4 or 6 RCF Class D+ technology power amplifiers, able to provide up to 250W on 100V or 70V speaker lines, each and all together, serving one or two speaker lines independently monitored each. A spare power amplifier with automatic replacement of a faulty unit is configurable too. MX 3250 hosts batteries and the necessary EN 54-4 circuitry for the DC back-up. Furthermore it offers inputs, controls and pre-recorded messages to get a real plug & play solution. A 12U rack mounting kit is (also) available to wire the MX 3250 in a 19” rack cabinet. Monitored paging consoles BM 3804 and 6 button extensions BE 3808 allow to complete the installation by adding live announcements. Local single-button paging microphones and background music programs can be implemented as well. The system can be expanded to fit with the middle size applications, centralized or distributed: in fact eight MX 3250 units can be interconnected by using the dedicated interlink accessory board model IE 3008, for a maximum of 48 manageable zones and a total of 2 kW of audio power. DXT 3000 system has been designed to be wired by using very convenient fire-rated J-TYPE cables for paging console and interlink connections


MX3250/2 Voice Alarm Master Unit MX3250/4 Voice Alarm Master Unit

MX3250/2 Voice Alarm Master Unit
  1. DXT3000 Integrated voice alarm master unit
  2. 250W
  3. 2 Channels
MX3250/4 Voice Alarm Master Unit
  1. DXT3000 Integrated voice alarm master unit
  2. 250W
  3. 4 Channels
MX3250/6 Voice Alarm Master Unit BM3804 Monitored Desktop Paging Microphone

MX3250/6 Voice Alarm Master Unit
  1. DXT3000 Integrated voice alarm master unit
  2. 250W
  3. 6 Channels
  BM3804 Monitored Desctop Paging Microphone
  1. 2 zone Monitored desktop paging microphone
  2. For More Detail
BM3806 6 Button Extention for BM3804 BM3804FM Firemans Paging Microphone

BM3806 6 Button Extention for BM3804
  1. 6 button extension for Monitoried desktop paging microphone (BM3804)
  BM3804FM Firemans Paging Microphone
  1. 2 button Firemans Paging Microphone, wall mounting
ME3200 Dual Channel Amplifier Board IE3008 Interlink Board

ME3200 Dual Channel Amplifier Board
  1. The ME 3200 card includes two 250W amplifiers. Two cards can be added to the existing one, inside a MX 3250 unit so to reach a total of 6 amplifiers/zones
  IE3008 Interlink Board
  1. The interlink board allows to connect up to eight MX 3250, by using a diversity linkage. Each of the networked MX 3250 needs it on-board.

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